IX. Почему в России до сих пор не принят Федеральный Закон о защите животных? Коррупция в РФ пронизывает все структуры власти, не исключая Думу и Кремль.
чиновники, во главе с Полномочным представителем Президента РФ в Госдуме
Александром Косопкиным, расстреливали редких животных с вертолёта.
IX (1,2,3,4). Why in
The high officials leading by the plenipotentiary of the President of RF in the Duma Alexander Kosopkin shot the animals (entered in the Red Book) from the helicopter.
"НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА" № 57 (06.08.2009)
The show of D. Medvedev "The struggle against corruption” doesn’t conclude the elimination of real corruption-men (stealing a lot milliards dollars from the country during 20 years of the pseudo-reforms) but only the struggle against the militiamen, who tries to prevent the destruction of tens of thousands of people and animals on the roads (every year on the roads in RF perish 30 000 people, not accounting the animals, the rare ones among them).The salary of these militiamen is 350 euro a month in average.